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YOUR restoration is here SEPTEMBER 2024!

Thoughts on Book of the Wars of The Lord Connections!

These videos are really great and inspiring. Imagine 2,000 plus years ago the first five books of the Bible originated and since then a historical narrative was birthed that would change ALL of mankind. This is how it began with me. Discovering what in the world is something called the Dead Sea Scrolls is all about. 


I dunno. That is how it all began with me when I first heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Yes I knew of the Bible but never really read it as a youth in private Catholic school. But it was always the books of prophecy that was intriguing. There was the Supernatural Power of God that steps out of time into the aether.


Why would God bring restoration to a lost book of the Old Testament. I believe it is because that completion toward this Harvest of lost souls around the world is at hand. A completion cycles us back to an earlier time to remind us how great Jesus King of Kings Lord of Lords is. To completely cycles us back to His Faithful and True Love for me, His Holy Love for you, His Holy Love for your family and strangers. It steers us away from the chemical artificiality of religion and vaingloriousness. Completion puts that finished touch of heavens love from the Cross of Christ into the prayers of the harvesters, of the called and the calling. Its simple faith, complete and unobstructed to the Cross of Christ, the Power of the Cross. Completing the restoration process by the Sacrificing Love of Jesus for mankinds sins.


We are asked by the Lord Almighty to be watchful and expectant. How do we do that? By placing our faith in Christ Crucified, the Power of Eternal Love...Love...timeless and transcending. I sincerely believe the Essenes were restored unto Jesus and anyone can be also! Don't reject this invitation to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, please take a few seconds and in complete humility surrender yourself and repent and place your faith on how much Jesus loves you by Atoning and Sacrificing Himself on the Cross for all of your sins. You are born anew when you do this. 

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